The Trainer in the Manufacturing Department

G’morning. Good to get another trainee.
I’ve been working here for years and years
We’ll get you started with something simple,
I’ll how you how to use all the systems
I’ll let you know even I make mistakes
But I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it, don’t worry.

Here’s something tricky that I worry
About. Been this way since I was a trainee
This valve? Backward. If you make a mistake
It’ll—What’s this? They fixed it! It’s been years
Since I quadruple-checked every system
Here. Don’t worry, this job’s actually quite simple.

Look, I’m going to show you a simple
Trick. If you ever get yourself worried
That you flipped the wrong switch on this system
—Not that I don’t trust you, all the trainees—
Oopsie, there’s only one switch now, last year
They fixed it since it was easy to make mistakes.

Now, if you ever do make a mistake,
(it can happen even during simple
Operations.) Then radio Mike. For years
Mike’s helped the new guys out. And don’t worry—
What? Mike’s retired? Guess you’ll call a trainee
Now. You know Mike taught me to use half these systems.

You have got to understand the systems
Here aren’t perfect. I said before, mistakes
Are inevitable. You’re a trainee
And we’ll keep it nice and safe and simple
And you’ll get the hang of it, don’t worry
Soon it’ll be like you’ve been here as many years

As I have. And you’ll in many years
Master tools and techniques and new systems
That I never had to think or worry
About, you’ll get confused with new mistakes
I’d never dream of and it’s simple
To imagine you’ll get to teach your own trainee

Not to worry about the years
You’ve forgotten, your trainee will know these systems;
And all my mistakes won’t make me seem so simple.

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